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Embracing Challenge

・  英語コアコース--英語の基礎を固めるコース、プレ初級/初級/中級/上級4つのレベル
・  スポークン・インタラクションコース(SI-1から6)-- 会話力をつけるコース、3つのレベル
・  英語オプションコース (AからH) -- 学習者の興味や将来の専門にあわせた8種類
・  英語インテンシブコース(KUINTEC)-- より深く英語を学びたい学生のための集中コース。週4回の授業とe-learning
800号館メディアセンター内のLL / AV教室や1000号館情報センター内のCALL教室において、最新の学習機器や教材を利用し、学生も教員も楽しみながら効果的な授業が行われています。LL自習室には様々な視聴覚教材やe-learningコースが備わり、学生の授業外時間の自主学習を支援しています。

English Section

The ability to express oneself effectively in the English language is akin to the ability to participate meaningfully in global discourse. As such, the Institute of Foreign Language Education at Kurume University approaches the enhancement of student communicative competence in English not only as its aim, but also its responsibility.
The Institute of Foreign Language Education is comprised of a highly qualified, international faculty who lead classes based on various themes directed at developing specific linguistic capacities.


Students are able to enroll in:


  • English Core Courses
    Focused on improving students’ ability to correctly perform targeted linguistic functions in both receptive (listening, reading) and productive (speaking, writing) domains.

  • Spoken Interaction Courses
    SI 1 ~ 6. Focused on developing students’ conversational skills and oral communicative competence in a variety of daily situations

  • English Option Courses
    Option A ~ H. A wide selection of course offerings catered to students’ abilities, interests and future professional needs

  • English Intensive Course (KUINTEC)
    This course is designed for highly motivated students who meet four times a week as well as one e-learning session.

英語部門: About
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